It has been another 4 weeks and your 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy has now grown into a 6-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. It’s funny realizing that a few weeks or months ago, your Goldendoodle puppy was just coming into your precious household.
At this point, you’re probably tired of seeing how mature your Goldendoodle looks in size and overall physique. And you are probably missing the sweet and adorable behavior of your Goldendoodle puppy while still in its sweet puppy coat and size. Well, the good news is that the 6-month-old Goldendoodle is all this and more.
To get more information into that, this article is just perfect for you as we provide all the necessary information that you might need to prepare for your 6-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. We list out all the possible expectations in terms of behavior and overall physical traits.
One notable trait about the 6-month-old Goldendoodle is that they look incredibly mature for their size and age. And even though they might look more like a Goldendoodle adult than a Goldendoodle puppy, they still have very childlike tendencies.
What To Expect From Your 6-Month-Old Goldendoodle Puppy

At 6 months of age, your Goldendoodle puppy should well be in its adolescent stage. Seeing that a Goldendoodle is mostly considered an adult from 1 year and above, it is safe to say that your Adolescent Goldendoodle should look more like an adult rather than a Goldendoodle puppy, is safe to say that this might be the longest age or stage of the Goldendoodle that you might experience.
Now even though your Goldendoodle looks and sounds like an adult Goldendoodle (deep voice and an adult coat, it is safe to assume that at 6 months of age, they still have their puppy-like behaviors intact. Still, your Goldendoodle is rapidly nearing the final stage of its development stage, so it should be a lot more independent than normal.
If you haven’t spayed or neutered your Goldendoodle yet, then there is a possibility that your Goldendoodle might be responsible for an unplanned litter out there. This is because they should be very sexually mature and their adolescent hormones should be kicking in very strongly by this period in the Goldendoodle’s life.
Another thing you might expect from this period of the Goldendoodle’s life is the fear imprint stage. At this point in the Goldendoodle’s life, they can easily get spooked or scared by the littlest of things like shadows, the throw pillows, and basically anything. You might find your Goldendoodle barking a lot for almost no reason at this stage.
If it does happen, it is important that you realize it is a passing phase and as such, would pass with time. Don’t be extremely harsh on your Goldendoodle for barking at shadows and hoses. Hopefully, they should be crate trained by this time and can survive being left alone for a few minutes or hours.
Your Goldendoodle should be wildly energetic at this stage of its life. And as such, they need some sense of release else that excess energy can quickly become destructive. They can handle more exercises and training by this stage, so ensure they are busy. By keeping them occupied with exercises and training sessions, you can get them to become too tired to do any real damage indoors.
And your Goldendoodle should still remain very curious at this stage of its development. They can spend time looking to explore the environment and can sometimes become too focused on exploring on their own that they might end up really rebellious. It is normal to picture them as pure teenagers. With that being said, keep training them using the right combination of being firm and practicing positive reinforcement.
6 Month Old Goldendoodle Puppy Schedule

Now with all that has been stated so far, the first active move you can make at this point in the Goldendoodle’s life is to properly socialize the Goldendoodle as well as to actively ensure that they are trained the right and proper way. You would need a lot of patience in this stage as the Goldendoodle might be barking at unnecessary hours.
To effectively help with training your Goldendoodle, you as the owner should make out time to plan a proper training schedule or activity list for your Goldendoodle. Give them the right time to potty, and then another time to engage in other activities like swimming or hiking. This way your Goldendoodle should be able to have a small idea of what to do next without being told to do so.
Your Goldendoodle should be having its final adult teeth coming in at this point and should be in a lot of discomfort, which can result in continued chewing and biting habits. You can train them to reserve all their biting and chewing on a chew toy and to probably keep out your shoes or clothing items.
You can also consider taking your Goldendoodle for regular checks at a licensed and reputable vet clinic or hospital. Having your Goldendoodle puppy properly examined and checked can help keep your Goldendoodle puppy very happy and healthy.
They still feed mainly on puppy food, but in a few months, you would definitely need to place them on adult food. As such, you can use this stage in the Goldendoodle’s life to search for the right nutrients to help make the switch a lot easier on the Goldendoodle puppy.
Your Goldendoodle should also be able to handle a lot more exercises than it could a few months ago, so you should consider increasing its exercise duration and even adding some tasking exercise routines like running with your Goldendoodle puppy. This is often great for larger breeds like standard or medium-sized Goldendoodles.
The smaller-sized Goldendoodles should not be taking on jogging or performing far-distant running. This is because their limbs are small and can’t often keep up with the long limbs or legs that you have. You can take them on longer walks instead at a controlled pace.
How Big Is A 6-Month-Old Goldendoodle?

At 6 months of age, your Goldendoodle puppy’s size should really depend on the exact class or size class they belong to. These size classes are the miniature, the teacup, the petite, the medium dogs, and the standard-sized Goldendoodle.
And for the 6-month-old Goldendoodle, share the exact same size as the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. When looking at the miniature-sized Goldendoodle as well as other small-sized dogs like the petite and the teacup Goldendoodle, the actual size should range between 7 pounds to 19 pounds. For the medium-sized Goldendoodle you can look between 30 pounds and 35 pounds and for the final size which is the standard-sized Goldendoodle, the size range should be between 40 and 45 pounds or upwards.
How Much Do You Feed Your 6-Month-Old Goldendoodle Puppy?
For the 6-month-old Goldendoodle, you would find that it does require a lot more food than the 5-month-old Goldendoodle. However, the nutritional requirement still pretty much remains the same for both dogs. They require a protein-rich food or diet that is also rich in carbohydrates and fats.
Size is another factor that affects exactly how much food a 6-month-old Goldendoodle should consume or take in. The miniature Goldendoodle consumes a lot less food than the standard-sized Goldendoodle.
With that being said, you are expected to feed the miniature, teacup, and petite 6-month-old Goldendoodles with good quality kibble between 1 to 1.5 cups spread across two servings a day. For the medium-sized Goldendoodle, then this should be between 3 to 4 cups of good quality kibble each day spread between 2 servings.
And for the standard-sized 6-month-old Goldendoodle, you can decide to increase their food to 5, 6, or 7 cups of good quality kibble a day. This should be spread between two servings in one day for proper digestion.
How Much Sleep Does A 6-Month-old Goldendoodle Puppy Need?
The sleeping requirements for most Goldendoodles from this stage to the 5-month and even 4-month-old Goldendoodle are pretty much the same. They all require a minimum of 12 hours of sleep each day to regain their full energy.
You can further improve this number by encouraging your Goldendoodle puppy to engage in tasking exercises that can further stress them and hence require them to sleep for longer. Still, try not to let your Goldendoodle become too lazy from oversleeping.
How Much Exercise Does A 6 Month Old Goldendoodle Puppy Really Need?

You can further improve on both the exercises and the exercise duration with the 6-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. Your Goldendoodle should be strong enough and adventurous enough to handle exercises that are a bit tasking.
Larger breeds can now participate in 1 hour of exercises spread across 2 exercise sessions. This one can be done in the morning and another done in the evening. Take them running or walking or perhaps allow them to engage in certain physical and mental exercises.
There are lots of mental exercises like dog puzzles that could help keep your Goldendoodle sharp and help them make smart decisions as dogs. Ensure you get them involved in these exercises regularly.
You can also take them swimming or hiking at this stage if they are up for it. Do not overstress your dog. If you notice obvious signs of exhaustion, then ensure they take a much-needed rest.
Training Your 6-Month Goldendoodle
Although your Goldendoodle should already be fully housebroken and crate trained by this time, they might tend to act like they would have forgotten their training between 6 months to 1 year of age.
This is mostly a result of them being rebellious in this stage. Do not be irritated or respond harshly to them, instead, take out the time to fine-tune your training pattern and ensure you make use of positive reinforcement to pass your message across to the Goldendoodle puppy.
Try training your Goldendoodle to respond to recalls. This is particularly important in cases where your Goldendoodle might be off-leash and in an uncontrolled space. To avoid chasing your Goldendoodle all over, this is a necessary command to train them on.
If you find training your Goldendoodle a bit too stressful or challenging for you at this stage, then it is okay to contact a professional to help you with such training. Positive reinforcement is often the best way to get this done, just get better treats and toys, but be careful not to spoil your Goldendoodle. Only reward good behavior and never reward bad behavior.
How To Deal With 6-Month-Old Goldendoodle Behavioral Patterns
Sexual energy is usually high at this point in the 6-month-old Goldendoodle. The male Goldendoodle can begin marking a lot of territories in order to assert dominance from a sense of pecking order. As for the female, she usually should go into heat during this period. They might try leaving the house to go mate with another dog.
You should probably work on having your Goldendoodle completely spayed or neutered at this stage or you would end up with a lot of unplanned litter.
Male Goldendoodles would most likely try to establish a pack. This pack would end up having a huge influence on the Goldendoodle and the good news is humans can sometimes be members of such packs. Especially their favorite humans. We really hope you are.
Precautions For Raising The 6 Month Old Goldendoodle
Since the sexual energy of your Goldendoodle would be very high at this point. Do all you can to stop them from leaving the house to go, mate. And if you notice them humping items in the house, quickly stop them from doing so.
Learn to redirect unwanted behaviors if you notice them rather than punish them for it. A firm voice is enough to scare the Goldendoodle into doing the right thing at this point in their life.
Final Thoughts
In all you do, it is important to celebrate what your Goldendoodle has made it so far on its journey. Take time to enjoy every moment you spend with your Goldendoodle because they grow up so fast. Train them properly, ensure you socialize them, and always care for them as much as you can.
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- How To Deal With 6-Month-Old Goldendoodle Behavioral Patterns
- Precautions For Raising The 6 Month Old Goldendoodle
- Final Thoughts