4 weeks have gone by, and your 16 weeks or 4-month Goldendoodle puppy is now a 5-month Goldendoodle puppy. This is a major age range for the Goldendoodle as they should be strong, much more mature, and ready for the world.
By this stage, your Goldendoodle puppy should look a lot less like the adorable puppy they once were and a lot more like the adorable adult they are meant to become. He or she should be at least half of its full height by now and it should weigh a lot more than it did before.
At this stage your Goldendoodle puppy should have already received its final vaccinations and deworming, however, they do require regular checks and visits to your Local vet to stay healthy. This article provides you with more information about this and many more on the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy.
The 5-month-old Goldendoodle should be very close to its mature size and age. It should be a lot more mature and should be a lot less stressful to take care of. Your Goldendoodle should be done with its vaccinations so focus on socialization.
What To Expect From Your 5-Month-Old Goldendoodle Puppy

At 5 months, your Goldendoodle should be well into its adolescent stage. As such your Goldendoodle should be a lot more mature in character and also in size as they should be at least half of the actual full size. Your Goldendoodle should also be a lot more active, strong, and energetic, so they might be a little mischievous, running around the house.
Your puppy should also be adequately house-trained by the 5th month. If not then, they can be very close to being established dogs. They should go on even fewer potty breaks each day and should know exactly where and how to go potty. You should also get a much more independent Goldendoodle assuming you started them early on crate training.
The puppy should also be very sexually mature and can even be very sexually active as their hormones at this age can be pretty strong and powerful, this is why it is essential that you consider spaying or neutering your Goldendoodle puppy. This would help to keep them healthy and also help in preventing some unwanted litter from being formed.
Socialization should still be a major focus for your Goldendoodle at this stage. This is because this is the age at which experiences they encounter can affect or decide how the puppy should view the world in the future.
Teething should also be another thing to expect at this stage. The adult teeth should begin to form at this stage and can cause a lot of discomfort for your Goldendoodle puppy. This can result in more chewing and biting than usual. So you have to ensure you get a proper chew toy for your Goldendoodle puppy.
Your Goldendoodle should also be a lot more independent than it was at its 4 months or 16 weeks of age. They should be pretty used to going out and making their own adventure as they explore. With that being said, do ensure you make an attempt to be in control of your Goldendoodle through regular training.
Exercise and training should be further continued at this age and stage of the Goldendoodle’s life. Always dedicate time to exercising and training your Goldendoodle by yourself. Do this with positive reinforcement for the best results.
5 Month Old Goldendoodle Puppy Schedule
As stated earlier your Goldendoodle puppy should be done with all its shots, vaccinations, and deworming in the 16th week. This means your Goldendoodle has more than enough time to focus on other areas of their life like socialization. They should be able to socialize with both people and animals.
Ensure you take them out on walks to pet parks where you can meet other enthusiastic pet owners and even create fun puppy play dates and meets that they can participate in. When fixing playdates with other Goldendoodle puppies or other pets in general, ensure they get to do this with pets or puppies their age and size range.
This is because their play tends to become rougher and their large size can be a problem when playing with small and fragile creatures. Training and exercises are crucial at this stage. You can decide to incorporate some basic command training into your Goldendoodle’s life. More on this would be discussed later in the article.
If you do not have active plans of breeding your Goldendoodle, then it is high time you set an appointment with your trusted and licensed vet to have them spayed or perhaps neutered. If you do have plans of breeding your Goldendoodle puppy, then hold on a little till a new litter is produced before you make another spaying or neutering appointment with your vet.
Puppy food is still ideal at this stage, however, ensure you feed them with high-quality food that is rich in protein and estimated carbs. Fat is also a highly needed nutrient requirement for the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. More on the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy requirement would be discussed later in the article.
Grooming is also another important aspect of the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy that you can focus on. Depending on their exact coat type, their coats can easily get tangled or matted at this stage. So, ensure they are regularly brushed or combed using a steel comb to help keep their coat well organized and looking great.
How Big Is A 5-Month-Old Goldendoodle?

The exact size of a 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy is heavily dependent on the exact size class that the Goldendoodle puppy belongs to. There are currently 5 classes of the Goldendoodle puppy, the teacup, the petite, the miniature, the medium, and the standard-sized Goldendoodle class.
With that being said the actual size of the 5-month-old Goldendoodle is a lot similar to the 16 weeks old or the 4-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. For the miniature-sized and smaller-sized Goldendoodle, it should range between 7 to 9 pounds. For the medium-sized Goldendoodle it should range between 25 to 30 pounds and for the full standard-sized 5-month-old Goldendoodle, it should range between 35 to 40 pounds.
How Much Do You Feed Your 5-Month-Old Goldendoodle Puppy?
Again, the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy and the 16-week or 4-month-old Goldendoodle have pretty much the same feeding appetite and require pretty much the same food or nutritional requirements to get strong and healthy. Ensure whatever puppy food you decide to place your Goldendoodle on should be rich in both protein and estimated carbs.
The size class also affects how much food your 5-month-old Goldendoodle should consume. The smaller the Goldendoodle size class, the less food they consume, and the larger the size class the larger the food portion that they consume.
When dealing with smaller-sized Goldendoodles like the miniature, the teacup, and the petite Goldendoodle, you should feed them ⅔ of one cup of good quality kibble that could last the whole day. You can decide to spread it across 3 servings for that day. Medium-sized Goldendoodles can eat between 1.5 and 2 cups of good quality kibble a day. This can also be spread across 3 meal servings.
And then the standard-sized 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy, you can consider giving them between 3.5 and 5 cups of good quality kibble each day. Try not to overfeed them and ensure they get the much-needed exercise to keep them from being overweight.
How Much Sleep Does A 5-Month-old Goldendoodle Puppy Need?
The sleep requirements are practically the same for the 5-month-old Goldendoodle and the 16 weeks or 4-month-old Goldendoodle. They require a minimum of 12 to 13 hours of sleep each day to be more energetic for the day.
At this stage, the Goldendoodle should be a bit more reserved or calm and even though it can be energetic, you find that it doesn’t use up all its energy as carelessly as it would have when it was less than 5 months old.
How Much Exercise Does A 5-Month-Old Goldendoodle Puppy Really Need?
Exercise should be a daily part of your Goldendoodle life for now, and judging from how adventurous your Goldendoodle puppy should be at this stage of its life, it should be looking forward to these activities.
At this stage in your Goldendoodle’s life, they should be pretty strong enough to take on even bigger and more strenuous exercising activities, but these activities should be properly planned and executed to ensure your puppy gets the best of the activities.
Add an extra 5 minutes to each of their exercise sessions by making 25 minutes per session. You can then do 2 sessions making it a total of 50 minutes each day devoted to exercising your Goldendoodle puppy.
Consider giving them a mix of physical exercises like fetch, walks, and even jigging, with some mental exercises like puppy puzzles to keep them thinking sharp and aid training sessions.
Training Your 5-Month-Old Goldendoodle
At this current stage of your Goldendoodle’s life, they should be properly house trained. As such, they should be fully potty trained at this period and should know how to potty on their own and the right way. As such they should need very few potty breaks each day.
Another thing for the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy is that they should be properly crate trained. But there is a possibility that they could be dealing with some mild level of separation anxiety as they progress towards the 6th month. So more crate training should be provided at this stage in their life.
Basic obedience training should be a major focal point when it comes to training your 5-month-old Goldendoodle. You can try incorporating these obedient training sessions into the Goldendoodle’s everyday life.
An example of such can be making them wait or sit before serving them their meals or telling them when exactly to eat. This can easily make those basic commands become a very familiar part of the Goldendoodle’s life.
Your Goldendoodle should also be pretty much used to its leash and this can be achieved with proper leash training. They should be more focused than ever before.
How To Deal With 5-Month-Old Goldendoodle Behavioral Patterns
If your Goldendoodle was acting very mature in its 4th month, imagine how mature it should be in its 5th month. They are a lot bolder, less likely to please, and can get pretty adventurous and curious at this stage of their life. They should still retain some of the clumsy nature they had in the 4th month.
You can curb this with the proper obedience training. They usually should have a sharper focus than normal, but if you do catch them in a rather rebellious manner, be patient with them but be firm when correcting them.
Try using positive reinforcement in training them to get the best or the most out of them. Your puppy should also be raging wild with sexual hormones, so it is possible to have a lot of unplanned breeding in this stage of the Goldendoodle.
Keep them in check by fixing an appointment with your vet and having them spayed or neutered.
Health Problems Of The 5 Month Goldendoodle
Health problems aren’t really associated with Goldendoodle at this stage of their life. They should have received their full vaccinations by now and as such, they should be at the pinnacle of health.
Since they do have a clumsy nature there might be slight accidents that might occur when moving around carelessly. So keep a close eye on your Goldendoodle puppy.
Precautions For Raising The 5 Month Old Goldendoodle
With all we know about the Goldendoodle, there isn’t really much expected from you at this stage of the puppy’s life. Just ensure you continue their full training and socialization at this stage. Also, ensure they are well groomed to prevent their coat from matting.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, all you need to know about the 5-month-old Goldendoodle puppy. As your puppy slowly approaches adulthood, it is essential you spend every moment with your Goldendoodle.
Try to train, groom, and exercise them yourself to ensure you create a strong bond with them. Love and care for them always as they deserve all the love and attention they can get. Thanks for reading.
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