So you’ve probably seen the very beautiful English Cream Golden Retriever on the internet or in real life and are undecided on whether to get or adopt one as your new family companion or not.
Well, count yourself lucky because this article is dedicated to helping you make that decision easier.
We’ll be giving you everything you need to know about the cousin to the American Golden Retriever. The history, controversy, color, facts and so much more. So do ensure you read to the end.

English Cream Golden Retriever At Glance
Weight | 55-75 pounds |
Height | 21.5-24 inches |
Lifespan | 10-12 years |
Breed color | Cream |
Friendliness to Children | Excellent |
Friendliness to Other Dogs | Very Good |
Trainability | Easy to Train |
History of English Cream Golden Retriever
The breed history of the Golden Retriever has its roots tied back to the Scottish highlands in the 1900s. The Scottish aristocrat, Lord Tweedmouth was the first to introduce the wonderful Golden Retriever breed to the world.
His reasons for creating this breed were influenced by his need for a “gun dog”, a dog that could assist in hunting (retrieving prey, hence its name ‘Retriever’) and a dog that could easily move on land and water.
In the year 1911, the Golden Retriever breed became recognized by the British Kennel Club (BKC) and later became recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in the year 1932 after a few breeders started importing the original breed into the United States.
Fast forward 20-25 years later, some puppy mills started the importation of a lighter colored Golden Retriever breed into the United States.
This breed would later come to be known as the English Cream Golden Retriever or the Rare White Golden Retriever. Although they were marketed as a separate breed (By the way, they are not a separate breed, just a different subtype).
Exactly! The Golden Retriever comes in three separate subtypes. The American Golden, British Golden, and the Canadian Golden. But our focus is the British Golden, which is easily distinguished by its shiny white fur.
English Cream Golden Retriever Temperament

If you get to work with the English Cream Golden Retriever, you’ll notice that the breed is quite different from the American Golden Retriever. How? Well, the English Golden is a lot more calm and mature when being compared to the American Golden.
The American Goldens are quite often hyperactive whereas their English Goldens siblings are more cheerful than hyperactive. But don’t go believing that the English Golden isn’t energetic and fun, or that the American Golden isn’t calm. Both subtypes might just surprise you.
If what you are looking for is a gentler and calmer golden, then the English Cream Golden would be your best bet. Irrespective of the slight differences, all subtypes share the same personalities common to Golden Retrievers.
When it comes to its interaction with people (both with family and strangers), the English Cream Golden Retriever is generally sweet and friendly. Due to its slightly calmer nature, the English Golden Retriever is not too confrontational when relating with strangers.
They also enjoy the outdoors, running in the yard, playing with toys, and other fun activities. The English Golden also requires lots of playtime in between exercise sessions, this helps in stimulating the mind and body.
The English Golden is also quite mouthy and would definitely need to learn the ‘drop’ command very early. But luckily they are a calm breed, so calm that some owners developed the ‘egg challenge’ where the golden retriever is expected to hold an egg in his mouth without breaking it.
The English Golden is also quite loyal and obedient. Because of its calm nature and eagerness to please, the English Golden might be the best for a family with little children.
They also make great service and therapy dogs. Again this is partly because of their calm and easy-to-train nature.
When compared to their female English Cream Golden Retrievers, there really isn’t much difference between the male and female Goldens.
They both are sweet and loving and honestly, the parents of a litter have a lot more influence on the personality and temperament of the pups than the sex of the pup. But there have been some key little but noticeable trends when observing a new litter.
A slightly bigger percentage of the female dogs are a bit more independent, while a bigger percentage of the male dogs are less independent. But again this is all generalities, some litters produce the exact opposite in temperament and personality.
English Cream Golden Retriever Appearance
The Standard English Cream Golden, when measured from paw to shoulder, should measure from 21.5 inches to 24 inches.
When weighed, an English Cream Golden Retriever breed should weigh from 55 pounds to 75 pounds. (This is the same for the Standard American Golden Retriever).
And the appearance of an English Cream Golden can be distinguished by its coat, as it possesses a white coat, which is a lot different from the American Golden Retriever (Which ranges from a subtle Golden Orange color to a deeper red color).
Also when it comes to body mass, the English Cream Golden Retriever is slightly stockier and bigger-boned than the American Golden Retriever. And when compared to the female breed, the male English Cream Golden is slightly larger (in height and weight) than the female English Cream Golden.
That’s not all! They also possess a larger head, this means their necks have to be thicker, more muscular, and stronger to be able to carry it.
They also have stronger jaws, and this is a result of having slightly wider muzzles. Their eyes are rounder and are positioned closer together, their ears are set on the same level as their eyes.
This is unlike the American Golden Retriever whose ears are set further behind and higher than their eyes. But truly, the most distinguishable feature in the English Golden Retriever breed (Other than its shining white coat), is its topline which is level. This is the line between its tail and its neck.
For the American Golden Retriever, it has a more slanted topline, kind a like the sloping hindquarters of the German shepherd. And this top line is the reason for the English Cream Golden Retriever’s proud and stockier appearance.
English Cream Golden Retriever Coat and Colors
We’ve stated a lot that the English Cream Golden Retriever should have a lighter coat than the American Golden Retriever.
According to what the breed standards say, the English Golden should be any shade of Cream or Gold, but not mahogany or Red.
Other Golden Retriever subtypes don’t recognize the cream or gold color And a Golden Retriever could be seen as desirable by the American breed standard if it possesses an extremely pale coat.
So what this means is that English Cream Goldens don’t always have to be cream in color, they could also possess a slightly golden yellow coat as well.
But being that its most sought-after color is the lighter cream color, the price for a light cream colored Golden would be higher. But again, it’s only because the demand for such color is quite high.
It is also worth noting that the English Cream Golden Retriever puppy’s coat color could darken as it ages, so picking a puppy with a light coat is not a full guarantee that it would grow into a true English Cream Golden. My advice is to just pick a Golden with a nice personality and temperament, and just let Mother Nature and genetics decide its color later on.
When it comes to fur length, the coat of an English Cream Golden is usually medium-long. And it could be longer around its neck, tail, and ears.
The long hair of the English Cream Golden Retriever is called ‘feathering fur’ and this is because the hair is wavier (but only slightly) than the rest of its coat. And if you touch its coat, you’ll find that it is silky and soft.
But generally, the English Cream Golden Retriever possesses a double coat and is a moderate shedder mostly. It does have two high shedding seasons though. (Which we will discuss more on in a later section so do read on).
How Much Exercise Does A English Cream Golden Retriever Need?
Just because the English Cream Golden Retriever is calmer and less energetic than the standard American Golden Retriever, does not mean that they require less exercise.
So, plan an hour a day (at the very least) when exercising your English Cream Golden, I can’t stress how important this is.
A Golden Retriever, irrespective of its subtype or coat color can be very destructive if deprived of its required daily exercise. Even the calm and gentle English Cream golden Retriever could surprise you, so it’s best to stick to its daily exercise regime.
They also require a lot of interactive playtimes, you could put this in between its exercise sessions. When it comes to intelligent dog breeds, the Golden retriever ranks as high up as the 4th position. So whatever your exercise plan is, it has to be mentally stimulating.
Purchasing lots of toys for your English Cream Golden helps a lot and playing some DIY games together such as finding the ball under the cap helps too when mentally exercising your Cream Golden.
Before getting an English Cream Golden, ensure that your environment is active and that you can guarantee its exercise needs because keeping your their and body occupied is quite important.
I also advise you to spend a lot of time with your Golden. As I said earlier, the Golden Retriever is quite needy and eager to please, so it naturally craves the attention of its human companions.
The English Cream Golden Retriever is also an outdoor dog (I’ve stated this before). So apartment living won’t cut it for this breed, as it would need enough space to run, roam and relax to its satisfaction. A larger home with a yard for the dog to play in would be required.
A well-socialized English Cream Golden is the perfect family dog. Its calm and gentle nature makes it perfect for kids of all ages. It could also get along with other dogs, but it has to be well socialized as a pup.
Is It Easy To Train English Cream Golden Retriever?
For an English Cream Golden, its most likely favorite reward would be a mouthy object, maybe a tennis ball or a chew toy, not an edible treat. But then again, this could be different for your Golden.
So my advice is that you work with your dog’s wants. Whatever it is you use, rewarding your Golden for good behavior is a great way to train your English Cream Golden Retriever.
The English Cream Golden Retriever, just like its siblings, is a very intelligent, smart, and loyal breed. So training this breed should be very easy. Its super easy trainability is the reason it is better suited as a service or therapy dog.
Getting a dog for the first time? The English Cream Golden Retriever is the best start on your introduction into the beautiful and fun canine world. This is once again because of its calm gentle nature, and easy trainability.
English Cream Golden Retriever Health Problem
On average, an English Cream Golden Retriever is a healthy dog (relatively speaking).
But there are a few primary concerns (5 in number) that could affect the English Cream Golden. These are:
- Cardiac Concerns.
- Hip and elbow dysplasia.
- Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.
- Ophthalmologist health. and
- Cancer.
Cardiac Concerns
When it comes to Cardiac Concerns, there are quite a few that affect the English Cream Golden Retriever. But there is one in particular that is common to the English Cream Golden. And that is Dilated Cardiomyopathy or DCM for short. It is when the heart becomes thin, weak, and large.
Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
This is also quite common in most dog breeds, it is a condition where the elbow and hip socket don’t join with the bone properly. A dog with hip and elbow dysplasia would have abrasions and be in pain, this is because the ligaments are being worn out over time. It is a condition that mostly affects older large dogs.
To get a dog that is free from hip and elbow dysplasia, you either get a dog from a reputable breeder, whose parents and other relatives have been tested and certified free of the condition or you take very good care of your pup’s growing joint while they are still young.
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
This disease affects the Central Nervous System of the Golden. An English Cream Golden Retriever with this disease would show signs of anxiety, loss of coordination, seizures, and blindness all at a tender 13 months of age.
But for a Golden to get or inherit this terrible disease, both of its parents must have it. This is why it is highly recommended to get your dogs from a reputable and trusted breeder who screens their dogs thoroughly.
Ophthalmologist Health
The English Cream Golden Retriever suffers three (3) eye concerns more than any other condition. These conditions are the Golden Retriever Uveitis (or GRU), progressive renal atrophy, and cataracts. The most common of all three is the Golden Retriever Uveitis or GRU.
It is a condition where the middle eye layer becomes a little inflamed. It is so bad that it could lead to permanent eye loss.
This is a very huge concern for the golden retriever breed, but luckily it is also where the English Cream Golden Retriever trumps the American Golden Retriever. According to research, 61% of all cancer cases found in Golden Retrievers were present in the American Golden Retriever Subtype. While 31% were found in the English Cream Golden.
Now both rates are quite high when being compared to other canine breeds, the cancer rate for the English Cream Golden Retriever is still much lower.
English Cream Golden Retriever Nutrition and Feeding
When it comes to its nutrition and feeding, the English Cream Golden Retriever requires a high-quality kibble. The same kibble fed to other Golden Retriever subtypes can equally be fed to the English Cream Golden Retriever.
The English Cream Golden Retriever has a very high appetite so it has a high tendency of becoming overweight, so make sure the portions fed to them are moderate and are in line with your veterinarian’s recommendations.
You would also try to ensure that your pup gets the well-needed nutrition, so do ensure you pick a well-balanced diet for your pup. A well-balanced diet would contain healthy carbohydrates, high-quality meat protein, fruits, fiber, vegetables, and omega fats.
A life stage-appropriate food is also needed, this is mainly because the English Cream Golden Retriever is a large dog. This is most important during the pup stage of the large breed, as the food made for pups of larger breeds contains a very high nutritional balance.
Foods with such a nutritional balance could help with rapid bone growth so your Golden is less likely to suffer hip and elbow dysplasia or it could at the very least delay it.
Whatever amount you feed your English Cream Golden would depend on its age, size, and energy level but note that upon reaching maturity, it would most likely eat 2 to 3 cups a day. Do ensure you don’t overfeed or underfeed them though, so follow the instructions on the food pack carefully.
The English Cream Golden Retriever could also suffer from food allergies so I advise you to go with dog food that has specially been prepared for dogs with allergies.
English Cream Golden Retriever Grooming
As I stated earlier in the article that the English Cream Golden Retriever is a moderate shedder throughout the year. But they do have two seasons where they shed heavily, these are mainly the spring and winter.
So you might need to learn how best to manage its shedding both during these heavy shedding seasons and the moderate shedding seasons.
To get the best out of the English Cream Golden Retriever’s grooming routine, you might need to purchase the right brush to be used for its shiny coat. Every other Golden Retriever subtype sheds the same amount, so the English Cream Golden is no exception. And by regularly brushing your Golden Retriever’s coat, you get to reduce the amount of fur it sheds.
Also, the English Cream Golden would require the same amount of bath time as its other Golden Retriever subtypes (The recommended bath time for your English Cream Golden is once a month).
The shampoo used for bathing your English Cream Golden Retriever depends on whether it is sensitive, or whether it’s a show dog. A super dirty dog would most likely need a lot of shampoos to stay clean.
I personally advise you to use a brightening shampoo to keep your Golden Retriever’s fur, gleaming, white, and shiny. You should note though that the English Cream Golden Retrievers skin is quite sensitive so be cautious of the shampoo you use, pick one that better remedies the situation.
How Much Does An English Cream Golden Retriever Cost?
Naturally, the English Cream Golden Retriever breed is bred to the Kennel club standard. Most English Cream Golden Retrievers are bred to the British even though you still find some American standardbred Golden Retrievers in the United States.
A reputable breeder (which is the ideal breeder), would normally import English Cream Goldens from the best of the best breeders in Europe. These are the English Creams Goldens he breeds strictly to produce more English Cream Golden Retrievers.
A reputable breeder would easily provide the documentation that shows the lineages of these English Cream Golden Retrievers, this is to indeed prove that it is an English Cream Golden that you are getting and not a very light-colored American Golden Retriever.
The cost for an English Cream Golden Retriever is usually high, this is because the cost of getting and importing the very best English Cream Golden Retrievers for Europe is quite high.
For an English Cream Golden Retriever, be prepared to spend an average of $1500 to $3500 and this price would depend heavily on the supply and demand, location, breeders reputation
And also the puppy’s lineage.
And if you think that it is expensive, there are some English Cream Golden Retrievers that cost tens of thousands of dollars. But this all depends on how reputable and highly regarded the breeder is.
I know not everyone could pay that high, budget is an important factor here but please never work with a backstreet breeder or a puppy mill. The reputable breeder would always prioritize the health of their puppies whereas the backstreet breeder or puppy mill only cares about making a profit.
And since the health care of an English Cream Golden Retriever is expensive, the puppy mill or backstreet breeder would always try to get as many pups as possible without regard or care for the mom.
Check out this post to know how much to buy and raise a Golden Retriever, breakdown of initial price and yearly costs.
The English Cream Golden Retriever as a Family Pet
If there is anything we have established from the article is that the English Cream Golden Retriever makes a perfect family pet. But here are some key tips and facts that you need to know about this beautiful breed.
- The English Cream Golden Retriever would make a great service or therapy dog, and this is because it is truly in tune with the emotions of its family.
- It is also a loving and affectionate dog that generally loves humans and is quite eager to please.
- To be a happy dog, your English Cream Golden Retriever requires a minimum of 60 minutes each day dedicated to intense physical and mental exercises.
- Because of the calm and gentle nature of the English Cream Golden Retriever, it makes an excellent pet for a home with young children and other pets.
- The English Cream Golden Retriever is also quite accommodating and friendly around friends of the family and total strangers.
- If what you are searching for is a watch or guard dog, then sadly this is not the breed for you. The English Cream Golden Retriever is oftentimes regarded as a terrible watchdog.
- As a first-time dog owner or a novice dog owner, the high intelligence and high trainability of the English Cream Golden Retriever makes it a wonderful companion for you.
- To avoid your English Cream Goldens becoming destructive, it is required that you provide your pooch with a lot of mental stimulation.
- The English Cream Golden Retriever is a heavy shedder, so do expect that they will share a little of their shiny coat with you.
- To help keep its shedding propensity low, it is advised you establish a regular grooming routine for your beautiful English Cream Golden Retriever.
- The English Cream Golden Retriever is a fun-loving companion that would entertain your family for numerous years to come.
English Cream Golden Retriever: 6 Interesting Facts that You Probably Don’t Know
For making it this far through the article, I personally feel like you deserve a reward. So as a bonus, here are some fun facts about the English Cream Golden Retriever that you probably don’t know.
1. This breed is a hard worker
The English Cream Golden Retriever is a hard-working breed that could be used for anything. From tracking and hunting to service and rescue dog work. With its calm and gentle nature coupled with its high intelligence, the English Cream Golden Retriever could easily learn and master many skills and could easily work as search & rescue dogs at disaster sites.
2. English Cream Golden Retrievers tend to mature slowly
English Cream Golden Retrievers tend to be silly and playful even up to their adult age. They mature quite slowly so expect your Golden to still remain a pup at heart even as an adult.
3. They naturally have softer mouths
Yes, I know, earlier I stated earlier that the English Cream Golden Retriever has powerful jaws, and that is true. However, they won’t be proper retrievers if they damage the objects they retrieve. So they are built with softer mouths to help carry games like ducks without harming them.
4. English Cream Goldens are excellent athletes
Goldens Generally not just the English Cream Goldens are great athletes and would shine bright in most dog competitions like dock diving, agility, obedience, and a whole lot more.
5. The English Cream Goldens are quite a very popular breed
Based on the American Kennel Club, the Golden Retriever is the 4th most popular breed in the United States. They recently were number three and with the continually increasing popularity of the English Cream Golden Retriever, it won’t be surprising to see them at the number 1 spot soon. Personally, I feel this is good as English Cream Goldens are great dogs and a lot of people deserve the joyful, beautiful experience they bring.
6. The English Cream Golden Retriever is more expensive
When compared to the American Golden Retriever, the English Cream Golden Retriever is quite more expensive. This is because the possibility of your neighborhood or local breeder breeding an American Golden Retriever is a lot higher than the possibility of them breeding an English Cream Golden Retriever.
And being that most English Cream Golden Retrievers have to be imported from Europe first, before being bred, so the high cost of importing the breed is another reason for its high price range.
On average getting an English Cream would cost you from $1500 to $3500. And that’s just from a standard but reputable breeder. If you are getting one from a highly regarded and reputable breeder, you might end up spending even tens of thousands.
When does an English Cream Golden Retriever stop its growth?
Well for a standard English Cream Golden Retriever, it should reach its maximum height at the age of 1 year. While its full weight should be reached at age two. And we just learned the English Cream Golden Retriever trends to be bigger-boned and a lot stockier than the American Golden Retriever.
How do you find a reputable English Cream Golden Retriever?
When looking for a reputable English Cream Golden Retriever breeder, I personally advise you to start online. The benefit of looking for breeders online is that you get access to a handful of breeders to choose from.
Another benefit to looking online for English Cream Golden Retriever breeders is that you could do much more in-depth research into each of the selected breeders. When doing your research, I also advise you to check out the customer reviews as this helps you in deciding how reputable a breeder is.
Luckily, we at “devoted to dog” help to make it easier when searching for a reputable breeder. You could also check out or join groups on social media about the English Cream Golden Retriever where you can meet and speak to other like-minded members and hopefully, get the much-needed answers to whatever questions you might be itching to ask.
Regardless of who you are working with, make an effort to meet them, the parents, and the pups in Persian, and please do ask for the necessary health certifications and clearances as well as the English Cream Golden Retriever’s lineage document.
Final Thoughts
The English Cream Golden Retriever breed is a very affectionate, sweet, and friendly family companion. Its calm and gentle nature makes it a little different from its American sibling. Its stockier and powerful jaw makes it an awesome retriever and its shiny cream-colored coat elevates it from the crowd.
Whatever it is that has got you attracted to the beautiful English Cream Golden Retriever, do ensure that you meet up to their daily exercise needs, groom and bathe it regularly and feed it a healthy balanced meal with all its nutrients intact (But please do not overfeed or underfeed your Golden).
So that’s it, all you need to know about the English Cream Golden Retriever subtype. You know what to expect from this breed, its temperament, needs and health, and a lot more. So you should definitely pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
If what you are looking for is more information on all things Golden Retriever, I advise you to check out our previous articles, for now, stay true to yourself, have fun and stay devoted to dogs.
Golden Retriever Resources and Tips
- Types of Golden Retrievers: Decoding Their Colors and Patterns
- Field Golden Retriever vs. Show Golden Retriever Comparison
- Red Golden Retrievers: Differences, Temperament, Puppy Cost and More
- Black Golden Retrievers: History, Temperament, Lifespan, Training
- English Vs. American Golden Retriever: The Complete Comparison
- How Long Do Golden Retrievers Live?
- Full Breakdown Cost to Buy and Raise A Golden Retriever
- Complete Beginner’s Guide to Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy
- Golden Retriever Common Health Issues: Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention
- How Much Exercise Golden Retrievers Actually Need (Puppies, Adults, Seniors)
- Do Golden Retrievers Shed A Lot? And What to Do
- Why Does Your Golden Retriever Sleep So Much?
- English Cream Golden Retriever At Glance
- History of English Cream Golden Retriever
- English Cream Golden Retriever Temperament
- English Cream Golden Retriever Appearance
- English Cream Golden Retriever Coat and Colors
- How Much Exercise Does A English Cream Golden Retriever Need?
- Is It Easy To Train English Cream Golden Retriever?
- English Cream Golden Retriever Health Problem
- English Cream Golden Retriever Nutrition and Feeding
- English Cream Golden Retriever Grooming
- How Much Does An English Cream Golden Retriever Cost?
- The English Cream Golden Retriever as a Family Pet
- English Cream Golden Retriever: 6 Interesting Facts that You Probably Don’t Know
- FAQs
- Final Thoughts
- Golden Retriever Resources and Tips