The Red Goldendoodle is one of the most beautiful dog breeds, and if you love a russet coat, you will love this dog’s colorful coat. This is one of the most beautiful of the Goldendoodle colors, and it is a popular choice for those who are a fan of Field Golden Retrievers for their red color. If you have never met a Goldendoodle, you have missed out! These are kind and loving dogs that enjoy being around people, playing with other animals, and having new experiences.
A Red Goldendoodle will make a great family dog, and you will be able to share all kinds of adventures with them from the moment that you pick them up from the breeder. This is one of the best choices to make for a kind dog that will fit right into your family.
If you are ready to learn some more about the Red Goldendoodle, keep reading!
What Makes Goldendoodles Red?
Red Goldendoodles are created by crossing a dark Golden Retriever with a dark-colored poodle. The Poodle parent has the most to contribute when it comes to coat color, so the color of the Poodle parent is very important when creating Red Goldendoodles. This color is less common in the Poodle side of the breeding pair than in some other colors, so it can be hard to breed for this unique coat color in Goldendoodles.
This is one of the coat colors that you will often have to work with a specialty breeder to gain access to. The selection of breeding pairs has to be done carefully to ensure a Red Goldendoodle coat.
How Popular is the Red Goldendoodle?
This is a very popular color of Goldendoodle because it is much more unusual than many of the other coat colors. Most people are used to seeing gold-colored Goldendoodles and not the more uncommon colors like red or black. You will likely have to be put on a waiting list at a breeder if you are looking for this specific coat color for your Goldendoodle.
Are Red Goldendoodles Rare?

While not necessarily rare, the Red Goldendoodle does require specific breeding to achieve. This means that there are fewer breeders who selectively breed for this coat color. Having the right parents to create the coat color can be tough if you are a breeder that creates litter in more common colors. This is one of the most unique coat colors and will probably necessitate looking around a little before you find a breeder that creates dogs with this color.
How to Tell What Kind of Coat a Red Goldendoodle Will Have
When Goldendoodle puppies are babies, you can look at the hair around their noses to be able to tell what their coat pattern will be. There are different coat patterns within this breed that have to do with how curly and Poodle-like the coat will be. The hair around the noses of puppies will tell you how their adult coat will be. Most breeders can tell you reliably which coat pattern your puppy will have just based on this information.
Why do Red Goldendoodles Change Color?
All Goldendoodle coat colors can change over time. You need to be aware of this if you are looking for a dog based solely on its coat color. This is part of the Poodle genetic makeup, and it is quite common in all colors of Goldendoodle. When a dog keeps its color from the time it is a puppy to the end of its life, this is called, “holding”. Most dogs experience, “clearing” instead, where the coat slowly changes colors and becomes less vibrant with age.
The ears and the area around the nose will often retain most of the original color of a dog’s puppy coat, but the rest of the dog might lighten over time. This is something that breeders cannot control, and you will need to be acceptant of this fact when you are choosing a Red Goldendoodle for your companion.
Red Goldendoodle Temperament
This is a sweet, loving, and kind dog that will hang out with kids, other pets, and strangers with ease. Red Goldendoodles do need daily exercise, but they can live in apartments or be kept in small homes without issue. Red Goldendoodles will be happy just to go with you to the mailbox or to head down the street to say hi to a neighbor. They just love to be included in your daily activities.
Make sure that you are prepared for your Red Goldendoodle to take a little longer to train than its Golden Retriever parent. These are dogs that can be a little distractable, and they might not have as long an attention span as a retriever will. You will just need to remember to break your training sessions into shorter blocks of time if your dog seems to be ignoring you.
Goldendoodles, as a whole, are some of the sweetest and most wonderful companion animals that you can have in your life, and you will love the personality of every Red Goldendoodle that you meet.
Red Goldendoodle Appearance

The appearance of this dog is often dominated by the color of its coat. There are some other appearance traits that you might want to be aware of as well. The breed actually comes in mini, toy, and standard sizes. You will pay more for the smaller dogs within the breed, and you need to be prepared for this factor if you are shopping for a mini Red Goldendoodle or a toy Red Goldendoodle. The standard dogs are much more common and are usually easier to find and afford.
- How big is the standard Red Goldendoodle?
The standard Red Goldendoodle will be about 50-90 pounds and be about 20-26 inches tall. This is one of the larger Goldendoodles, and you will need to be prepared for a dog that is larger than medium-size. This is sometimes a surprise for Goldendoodle owners who might have had a smaller standard dog in the past in another color.
- How long does it take for a Standard Red Goldendoodle to be fully grown?
Red Goldendoodles will be full-grown at about a year old. They might still fill out some more later on as they mature, but their overall height and weight should be determined by the time they are a year old. Some dogs might be late to mature, but by the time your Red Goldendoodle is a year and a half old, they should be their final, full-grown size.
Red Goldendoodle Coats

Just like other Goldendoodles, there are three coat patterns that your Goldendoodle might have. The various puppies in a litter can have different coat patterns as well. The breeder will look at the hair around the noses of the puppies in each litter to be able to tell what their final coat pattern will be. There are pros and cons to all the different coat patterns, and they are all beautiful. You might want to select the lowest-maintenance coat pattern or the one that is most like the Poodle if that is your preference.
- Straight Coat
The straight coat pattern will be the most like a regular long-haired dog’s coat. This is a coat that you can brush on your own at home usually, and it is often a shorter coat than the other coat patterns. This coat pattern is often quite fluffy as well.
- Wavy Coat
Wavy coats offer a blend between the straight coat and the curly coat. This is a coat that will be fluffy and slightly curly. This coat will require a bit more grooming than a straight coat, and it can be longer than the straight coat or the curly coat. This coat pattern will remind you of the Golden Retriever coat more than the other coat patterns.
- Curly Coat
The curly coat will be the most Poodle-like of the coat patterns. Curly coats are high maintenance, and they often cannot be cared for easily if you are not a dog groomer. This is a beautiful coat pattern, but it will necessitate a lot more grooming than the other coat types. Curly coats are often short and tight and much less fluffy than the other coat types.
Red Goldendoodle Generations

Mixed-breed dogs are described based on their generation. This is how you know how close the dog is to the original two parents that made the first litter of Goldendoodles. The farther your dog is from the original two parents, the more it will look like a Goldendoodle. Dogs that are close to the original cross might look more like a Poodle or a Golden Retriever. The temperament of crosses that are farther away from the original parents can be much different as well. You will want to be sure that you are thinking about this part of the selection process when you are shopping for a Goldendoodle.
- F1 Red Goldendoodle
The F1 is the most basic of the Goldendoodles in the sense that this cross will be 50% of each breed. This is the classic Goldendoodle. This cross has the most variation within it, and you can get a lot of traits from one parent. You might have a dog that looks a lot like a Golden Retriever with a Poodle coat. You could also get a dog that looks a lot like a Poodle with a fluffy coat.
- F1B Red Goldendoodle
The F1B Goldendoodle is 75% Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever. This dog will look more like the other Goldendoodles that you are probably thinking of, but it might have a higher drive for work and might be more energetic than generations farther away from the first cross.
- F1BB Red Goldendoodle
This cross is 87.5% Poodle and 12.5% Golden Retriever. The more that you add Poodle to the mix, the more Poodle-type traits you will see. The farther down the string of generations, the more your dog will look like a Poodle and act like a crossbreed.
- F2 Red Goldendoodle
This cross is done between two Goldendoodle parents. This strengthens the Goldendoodle genetics in the cross. This is a dog that is 50% Goldendoodle on both sides of the pedigree.
- F2B Red Goldendoodle
This is a cross that adds a Poodle to the other side of the Goldendoodle cross. This means that you will have a dog that is 62.5% Poodle and 37.5% Golden Retriever.
- F2BB Red Goldendoodle
This is a cross between an F2B Goldendoodle and a Poodle. This is a litter that will be 81.25% Poodle and 18.75% Golden Retriever.
- F3 Red Goldendoodle
The F3 cross is between two F2 Goldendoodles. This is another 50% cross on both sides of the pedigree.
- Multigen Red Goldendoodle
Multigen Goldendoodles are a cross between various distant relatives from the original crosses. The traits can vary, as can the percentages between the parentage and DNA. This can be
What Are the Color Variations of Red Goldendoodles?
Red Goldendoodles can come in a range of reddish colors. They might be dark red like a Field Golden Retriever or they can be a very light red that barely looks different than a regular Goldendoodle. The apricot color is often the most desirable, and this is also a Poodle color variation. This is the most unique of the colors within the Red Goldendoodle color family and also the most expensive when it turns up in a litter.
The apricot color pattern is sometimes not considered to be a variant of the Red Goldendoodle, and you might not be able to look for this color of coat at a Red Goldendoodle breeder. This is often a lighter shade than the other reddish tones of the true Red Goldendoodle, but many people do think of it as a version of the Red Goldendoodle coat. Make sure that you ask about apricot if this is the color that you are really thinking of, as most Red Goldendoodle breeders will not breed for this coat color as well as for Red Goldendoodles.
What Markings Do Red Goldendoodles Have?
- Red Goldendoodle with white markings
Red Goldendoodles can have white markings on their bodies. This makes them look like a Parti doodle in some cases, but they do not count as this other unique, spotted coat pattern.

- Red Merle Goldendoodle
When a merle gene is present from the Poodle side of the family, Red Goldendoodles might have merle coloring either all over their body or in some unique spots.
- Red Tuxedo Goldendoodle
Red Tuxedo coat patterns are red coats with white markings on the bellies and the front legs. They look like the tuxedo they are named for.

- Red Sable Goldendoodle
This color pattern is a light coat with red hairs that are scattered all over the body.
Red Goldendoodle Lifespan
This is a dog breed that lives for 10 to 15 years. The benefits of crossing a Golden Retriever to a dog breed that is much longer lived are evident in the Goldendoodle cross. You will be able to enjoy more years with a Red Goldendoodle than you would with a purebred dog which can be a big benefit to choosing this breed over others that might be on your list.
Training the Red Goldendoodle
The Red Goldendoodle is kind, generous, and loving, and they love to learn new things. This is a breed that can be a little distracted when they are younger, but they do grow into an attention span that will let them focus on more complex tasks. Many people teach their Red Goldendoodle to do agility and other kinds of skills, and your dog will be more than happy to learn to do tricks and accompany you on adventures.
These are also dogs that are very good about coming back to their owners, even at the dog park. This means that your Goldendoodle will have a blast at social outings like this without making you worried that they will not come back to you in a bind. This is part of the gift of the Poodle breed mixed into your dog’s pedigree.
There are so many things that Red Goldendoodles can learn to do. You just need to use positive reinforcement and patience, and your dog will be happy to try and learn anything that you can think of.
Common Red Goldendoodle Health Problems
This breed suffers from the same common health ailments as Golden Retrievers and Poodles. These are the common problems that you might have to deal with if you have a Red Goldendoodle:
- Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
This is the most common issue for any dog that is related to the Golden Retriever. This is one of the shortcomings of the Golden Retriever breed that can be handed down to puppies that are part of Poodle as well. Breeders that are responsible will certify their dogs as being free of this defect, but you might not be able to predict these problems cropping up as your dog ages.
- Eye Problems
There is a whole list of genetic eye conditions that Poodles and Golden Retrievers are prone to. All of these eye problems might be present in Red Goldendoodle puppies. You will want to ask the breeder that you are working with about certifications for this issue, just like the dysplasia issues that are common to both breeds.
- Heart Disease
Heart problems are also common to both the Poodle and the Golden Retriever, and your Goldendoodle could suffer from heart issues. This is more common in older animals, but some young dogs can have heart issues early in their lives. This is often manageable for a time, but heart problems can come in a wide array of severities.
- Skin Issues
The skin of your Red Goldendoodle can be quite sensitive, and food allergies are common to both of the parent breeds as well. You might need to work with your vet to come up with a diet plan and a skin management plan that helps you attend to your dog’s skin conditions. Most of these problems are quite manageable with the help of a veterinarian.
Grooming Needs of the Red Goldendoodle
Just like other Goldendoodles, the Red Goldendoodle will need to see the groomer at least a few times a year. You will also need to be sure that you keep on top of mats and items that could be tangled in their coat from time to time. Make sure that you are not cutting or clipping your dog’s coat at all because this can cause major damage to this kind of coat. Let your groomer handle big issues if they crop up so that you do not damage your dog’s coat to the point where it has to grow out for a while.
You will also need to be sure that you keep your dog from getting wet ears that do not get dried, as this can lead to ear matting. Wet ears can also cause ear infections, so be sure that you are not neglecting this part of your dog’s at-home care in the winter or when your dog goes on adventures with you.
Do Red Goldendoodles Shed a Lot?
Red Goldendoodles only shed a little bit twice a year. This is a breed that is known for being hypoallergenic, which means that you will not have to worry about clumps of dog hair all over the house or other kinds of pet shedding issues. The brushing that you give your dog once a week should take care of any hair that needs to be removed from their coat and keep it from being shed out onto the floor in your home.
How Much Are Red Goldendoodles?

This breed will cost you from $1,500 to $5,000. The higher end of the cost will be for mini or toy dogs or unusual coat coloration within this breed. You might have to travel a long way to be able to find a Red Goldendoodle as well, so make sure that you think about travel costs that you might need to expend to go pick up your puppy when it becomes available to you.
Will My Dog Look Like a Teddy Bear?
The true red Goldendoodle will look the most like a teddy bear, especially when very young. This is one of the things that people love most about this coat pattern, and it can make red or dark apricot coats more highly favored among those shopping for this color of dog. Knowing that your dog’s coat will change colors over time is something that everyone looking for that “teddy bear” look will need to keep in mind. Your dog will likely look much less like a teddy bear
Is A Red Goldendoodle right for you?
This is one of the best dog breeds around if you want a dog with an excellent personality and a beautiful coat. These are some of the nicest dogs to add to a family, and your Red Goldendoodle will get along with all the other pets in your home, as well as new people. If you love to live an active lifestyle, your Red Goldendoodle will be happy to share your adventures, and they can live in any size home with ease. This is a great dog breed for so many reasons, and you will love your Red Goldendoodle from the moment you pick them up at the breeder.
Other Goldendoodle Colors
- What Makes Goldendoodles Red?
- How Popular is the Red Goldendoodle?
- Are Red Goldendoodles Rare?
- How to Tell What Kind of Coat a Red Goldendoodle Will Have
- Why do Red Goldendoodles Change Color?
- Red Goldendoodle Temperament
- Red Goldendoodle Appearance
- Red Goldendoodle Coats
- Red Goldendoodle Generations
- What Are the Color Variations of Red Goldendoodles?
- What Markings Do Red Goldendoodles Have?
- Red Goldendoodle Lifespan
- Training the Red Goldendoodle
- Common Red Goldendoodle Health Problems
- Grooming Needs of the Red Goldendoodle
- Do Red Goldendoodles Shed a Lot?
- How Much Are Red Goldendoodles?
- Will My Dog Look Like a Teddy Bear?
- Is A Red Goldendoodle right for you?